Sunday, March 7, 2010


In the early 20th century, German Astrologer Alfred Witte along with Friedrich Sieggruen discovered a method of obtaining further information in the Horoscope by placing eight hypothetical 'planets' or points within the natal chart. These planets are referred to as TransNeptunians, 'Trans' meaning outer and Neptunian refers to these bodies being located in the region of the solar system, beyond Neptune, Neptune was used because at the time the two outermost planets, Uranus and Pluto were not yet discovered. The history of how Alfred Witte discovered these hypothetical planets is rather vague but it 's said that whilst in World War II, Witte compiled a list of birth dates and transit times for soldiers at war in order to determine factors such as probable times of injury or even death and other appropriate times like when a soldier went home to his family or received a transfer. Unfortunately, Witte could not relate any planetary activity to these important moments or find anything particularly interesting in the Natal charts that would indicate these events either.

Eventually over several years Witte hypothesised that there were eight planets that he could not see but felt he knew were there. Witte began to plot the orbit of these planets by studying his comrades and the events of war around him, until ultimately years later an Ephemeris was born with the exact Zodiacal Longitudes of these points. Witte named these TransNeptunians Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetos, Vulcanus and Poseidon. These eight TransNeptunians represent valuable additions to the language of astrology and below is a list of these planets and their astrological meanings and symbols. Cupido The glyph for Cupido is defined by the combination of the planets Jupiter and Venus, representing happiness and love. Cupido represents social ties and group affiliations and the art world is symbolised by this point.

Family units are a good example of how Cupido is represented; it gives us the innate desire to find a partner to be able to develop the family group. Cupido also represents the corporate family or business group dynamic. A good example of the effects of Cupido is in the chart of the wedding between Princess Diana and Prince Charles in 1981. In this chart there is a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 5 degrees of Libra semi sextile Venus at 5 degrees Virgo also semi sextile the Sun at 6 degrees of Leo. Cupido was at 5 degrees of Scorpio at the time, enhancing the matrimonial and family symbolism of Cupido. The Royal family underwent changes in the 1990's when Transiting Cupido and transiting Pluto were in conjunction indicating the major reconstruction of this royal couple and other separations and marriages within the entire royal family. Hades The second hypothetical planet to be named was Hades and is symbolised by a crescent moon joined with a hanging cross, indicating emotional and spiritual concerns. In ancient mythology, Hades was the son of Kronos and Rhea. Hades symbolises burden, the underworld and the deceased. It represents the dark, sordid side to life, crime, waste illness and sorrow. Hades though is not completely merciless, it has a beneficial side as through these times of darkness and grief, Hades can help us gain understanding of the correlations from the past and helps us to grow through these issues and learn from past grievances. Hades also represents our deep subconscious and our spirit that watches over us while we sleep.

This planet indicates astral planes and dreams as well. To the conscious individual, this point can release the soul to the higher regions of Hades, giving resolution of grief, fear and eradicating the feeling of destruction and damage to the individual. Hades within the natal chart often gives the need for in-depth psychotherapy to dig out their own, internal 'garbage' that is festering within them. A Hades person can go through endless cycles of destruction and renewal; time after time, in their lives but this can offer a fast track, spiritually for ultimate growth. A pertinent example of Hades energy within a natal and transiting chart is the horoscopes of Timothy McVeigh, the Okalahoma Bomber. McVeigh's Natal chart has Hades at 16 degrees of Taurus and Mars is conjunct at 19 degrees, both hidden in the 12th house. This combination of Mars and Hades Witte indicates as: "Atrocity and vulgar acts. To cause damages sudden attacks, murder and homicide. Unusual death and faulty or bad actions." At the time of the Bombing that killed hundreds of people, Hades was at 13 degrees of Gemini in the 1st house forming an opposition with Jupiter at 14 degrees of Sagittarius in the 7th house of open enemies. Hades is also in sextile with Mars at 16 degrees of Leo. Furthermore, in the chart of McVeigh's execution on the 11th of June 2001 Hades was opposing Mars at 20 and 23 degrees respectively in Gemini and Sagittarius. The Sun is exactly conjunct Hades at 20 degrees of Gemini and just 2 degrees away is excessive Jupiter. As you can see Hades was a significant part of McVeigh's life and it seems he was unable to escape the destructive qualities that Hades can represent. Zeus Zeus's glyph symbolises 'controlled energy' represented by four open bottomed triangles which converge at their apex and give rise to an upward pointing arrow. Zeus in mythology was a free spirited, adventurous and resourceful young man. He rebelled against all decrees and subjugation from authority figures. He gathered warriors around him and promised them victory if they followed him thus emphasising his leadership qualities.

Zeus signifies creativity and pro-creativity for the reason that he climbed Mount Olympus, where he sought many women with whom he sired a large number of children. The nature of this transneptunian is active and fiery, has controlled power and directs purposeful activity. Zeus adds drive to whatever it touches. Zeus symbolises all things military: machinery, mechanisms, firearms, fuel and industrialisation. Zeus in combination with Kronos and Vulcanus has been found to have strong connections to the weapons and destructive power of warfare, all three planets were closely linked throughout the entire period of World War II. Zeus's creative energy and focused drive though, normally finds more positive and less destructive outlets in the natal chart. Quite often Zeus is seen in the charts of sports stars as it gives drive, persistence and the motivation to achieve their ultimate goals. Michael Jordan has Zeus in his natal chart conjunct Uranus at 3 and 4 degrees of Virgo respectively, in the 5th house, the natural house of creative expression and vitality. Zeus in Jordan's chart is also inconjunct Mercury at 2 degrees of Aquarius in the 10th house of career and social prominence. Mohamed 'The Greatest' Ali has Zeus at 18 degrees of Leo in opposition to Venus with an orb of 2 degrees, squaring Kronos at 16 degrees of Taurus and trine Hades and Admetos in the 9th house. Furthermore, it is located exactly on his ascendant at 18 degrees of Leo. Kronos The next TransNeptunian is Kronos. The glyph that represents Kronos is an upright cross under a crescent moon, symbolising the assistance of souls above and recognition of our upper limits. Superiority, authority, high levels of expertise and a high standard of excellency is represented by Kronos. We are encouraged to recognise our limits and we are taught not to be over-bearing in our own self-confidence with Kronos. Reaping what you sow is a good example of the cause and effects of Kronos. In ancient mythology Kronos was mothered by Gaia- the Earth and fathered by the powerful and forceful Uranus.

The domination of Uranus encouraged Kronos's drive for self-preservation and independence, however, he was weakened by unconsciously reflecting the malice of his father when he killed him with his own hands, by doing so he sowed the conditions of his own death as well. Kronos therefore can be seen to symbolise the recurring events of life, beginnings and endings. Kronos can indicate someone who has risen to the top of their chosen profession and it can often be seen in the charts of royalty and/or government, and presidents, prime ministers, and corporate directors, especially when combined with the Sun. Queen Elizabeth has Kronos conjunct the Sun at 6 degrees of Taurus, squaring Zeus in Leo and semi sextile Mercury and Hades at 4 degrees of Aries. Prince William has Kronos exactly Trine Saturn at 16 degrees Gemini and 15 degrees Libra 30 minutes respectively, and forms a semi sextile to his natal North Node. Princess Diana who was loved by millions and was considered to be the favourite royal has Kronos at 1 degree of Gemini exactly square Mars at 1 degree of Virgo, it also forms a square to Pluto within a 6 degree orb. . Apollon Apollon in the natal chart represents expansion and distribution, progression and growth. The glyph is a combination of Jupiter and Gemini, a vertical line reinforced by a second one, linked together by a support above and below. This symbolises 'all-embracing harmony'. Apollon has close affiliations with science and commerce, education, success and far away or foreign places. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin has natal Apollon at 7 degrees of Virgo exactly inconjunct Uranus, Hades and Admetos. It also forms an exact Trine with his North node at 7 degrees of Taurus.

Scientist Albert Einstein has a highly aspected Apollon in his natal chart. Located in the 2nd house at 4 degrees of Leo, Apollon is trine Saturn, Mercury and Kronos located in the 10th house and all within an orb of 1 degree. Apollon symbolises understanding and brilliance that leads to increase in awareness, amplification of perception and the amassing of experiences in many areas. Apollon infers that harmony, understanding, and evenness of temperament is essential in order to be able to carry out one's goals successfully. Einstein once said " Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures." This is very fitting considering Einstein's natal Neptune in the 11th house is square Apollon with an orb of less than 3 degrees. There is a close opposition from Apollon to the natal North Node and Mars in the 8th house. Einstein's incredible natural ability for science and his utopian outlook, led to the Theory of Relativity, this and his general fascination with Space and Time is an excellent example of Apollon at work within the natal chart. Admetos Admetos is related to all that is stable, permanent, and uncompromising, as well as anything that has stopped or remains defunct. The glyph that represents Admetos resembles the Earth on a pole. The crescent of the moon rests on the globe, upwardly receptive. The effects of Admetos surface from the depths of the past, originating from primal sources. The influence of Admetos can trigger deep transformations, which leads to persistence and helps develop endurance. Admetos is about laying foundations and groundwork. Anything that comes from deep below the soil or ground, such as minerals, crystals and rocks are related to this point. Gravity is another good example of the effects of Admetos. Einstein has Admetos located in his 9th house at 9 degrees of Pisces sextile Neptune in the 11th and widely opposing Uranus in the 3rd at 2 degrees of Virgo. Einstein was obsessed by the theory that nature was harmonious, this led him to believe that electromagnetism and gravity had a common origin. Whilst Einstein was researching and seeking support for his ideas during this time, he travelled the world and gave lectures for hours on end, his students claimed he had remarkable endurance and persistence. His work was not easily accepted by scientists at first but Einstein followed through with his beliefs and used his intuition (9th), he continued to persevere with them (Admetos) and his diligence paid off because in 1922 he won a Nobel prize for his contributions. Vulkanus Vulkanus represents tremendous energy and strength in the natal chart and this is symbolised by the glyph.

A triangle from whose peak rises an upward arrow indicates the energy that boils to the surface, like a volcano. Vulkanus in the horoscope conveys compulsiveness and extreme physical force. It also lends itself to emotional intensity as well as physical. Mohamed Ali has natal Vulkanus at 18 degrees of Gemini trine Venus on the descendant. It is also semi square Mars in Taurus in the 9th, with an orb of 18 minutes and semi square Pluto in the 12th in Leo with an orb of 1 degree 26. It is no wonder he was considered the greatest fighter in the world. Ali is also prominent because of his strong emotional views and beliefs on racism; he joined the Nation of Islam although born American and thus was the beginning of his social and political activism. In the birth chart of Timothy McVeigh, Vulkanus is located close to the Ascendant at 2 degrees of Cancer Sextile the Sun and Mercury in Taurus and it is also squaring Apollon in the 4th. Vulkanus is also semi square Hades in the 12th house. Interestingly at the time of the bombing of the Okalahoma building, Vulkanus was again squaring Apollon with an orb of only 26 minutes. Poseidon The final Transneptunian is Poseidon the God of the Sea. Unlike Neptune who is represented by the god holding a trident capped staff, Poseidon is depicted as in animal form. Poseidon is the god who provided a clear passage to death thus representing the spiritual ideology of this point. The glyph for Poseidon is the sign of Pisces standing on its end. It symbolises spiritual and intellectual receptivity to all points of view. Poseidon relates to spirit, understanding, enlightenment, truth, philosophy, wisdom and clarity. It also represents a need to develop in the area of higher conscious awareness. All matters Esoteric relate to Poseidon and if well aspected can make for a talented healer. Poseidon is the planet of ideas and ideals, and is frequently associated with psychics, mystics, and mediums. Famous Psychic and spoon bender Uri Gellar has natal Poseidon at 8 degrees of Libra in the 12th house closely conjunct Neptune. It is trine the North Node in Gemini in the 8th, sextile Mercury in Sagittarius in the 2nd house and also sextiling Saturn in the 10th, all within a 2 degree orb of one another! Psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler Ross whose book 'On Death and Dying' brought comfort to millions of terminally ill patients has natal Poseidon at 27 degrees of Virgo in the 7th house trine Jupiter at 26 Aquarius in the 12th with less than a 1 degree orb, signifying her ability to help expand (Jupiter) other peoples (7th) thoughts and perceptions on death, dying and grieving (Poseidon). Kubler Ross did most of her work within the walls of hospitals (12th) by insisting patients be heard and by letting them explore their feelings openly. Kubler Ross also has Poseidon in close opposition to Uranus in Pisces in the 1st house thus indicating why people perceived her as being somewhat different. It took society a while to accept her radical beliefs and views on life and the afterlife because previously to Ross's pioneering work, terminally ill patients were left to pass away alone without any reassurance to their families and loved ones and more importantly to the patients themselves.

Mercury is semi- square Poseidon in Ross's chart in the 6th house of health; this would strengthen her ability to communicate on such a spiritual and emotional level with her patients. Famous pioneer of person centred Astrology; Dane Rudhyar also has a prominent Poseidon in his birth chart. Located at 12 degrees of Virgo in the 9th house closely squaring Mars, Neptune and Pluto in Gemini in the 6th. Poseidon in the 9th house in his chart gave Rudhyar spiritual and emotional insight into the heart of astrology and the square to Mars, Neptune and Pluto gave him the passion and desire to push past the boundaries of the 6th and explore his spirituality and intellect further (9th). There still is a lot of research that needs to be done on the TransNeptunians but it is without doubt there are very strong indications that these 'hypothetical planets' are highly effective points of interpretation. They add depth to the natal horoscope and give a whole new perspective to the chart in particular areas, especially when in major configuration with natal planets and angles.


  1. Thank you as mars transits our admetos 29 Taurus and I a Taurus and astrologer. I must print it out and keep it with my folder.

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