Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pluto and Saturn and Transformation

Saturn/Pluto - Growth and Transformation

The Saturn-Pluto cycle is one of the most important and visible cycles in astrology. Completing a cycle approximately every thirty-three years, during specific times under this cycle, when Saturn and Pluto make significant angular relationship to each other, themes and patterns emerge. The Saturn-Pluto cycles can be associated with military crises, world wars, economic downturns and cultural confrontations throughout history. In brief, the difficult Saturn/Pluto periods of the past century, when these two bodies were either in square, conjunction, or in opposition, have coincided with major events. These include the commencement of World War I in 1914 and the conjunction of 1946 coinciding with the end of World War II.

The height of the Great Depression, the beginnings of the Cold War and in the mid-1960s the Vietnam War coincided with the opposition. In order to get a proficient understanding of the energy of these two planets with each other, we need to understand the meanings of the individual planets in question. Pluto deals with extremes in astrology; it is all encompassing, uncontrollable, at times ruthless, fundamental and deep in its capacity to shift blockages. Its passage through the signs of the zodiac produces different generations of people with essentially different perspective. In history, the effects of Pluto force radical change because of what has already been sown. Pluto restructures and demolishes old worn out patterns and paths the way for new thought forms and actions. Any clutter or disorder encompassed from previous experience is suggested via the sign Pluto is in at any given time. Aside from the sweeping changes and abolition of Pluto, regeneration and rejuvenation is also manifested. Pluto either exposes or reinforces underlying patterns in the human and collective psyche dependant on the position and angular relationship of Pluto in relation to the other planets and house cusps.

Pluto can be ruthless in its capacity to push the limits of whatever situation that arises. The harder we try to hold on, the more ruthless the energy of change becomes, and the change gets out of control. Socially Pluto concerns oppression and breakthroughs in terms of societal reputation; it exposes truths, lies and possible corrupting influences of the social order. Pluto's outcome is intended to manifest as complete transformation and resurgence, but whether it is or not is dependent on the profound choice humanity makes or does not make as a whole. Saturn, on the other hand is the planet of restrictions and limitations, structure and from. It has a solidifying nature and stabilises everything it touches. Tradition and organisation is Saturn's territory, therefore the foundations of a nation, its governmental system, authority, institutions and the basic structure of the society is represented by it. The moderating effect of Saturn influences conservatism within a community and it emphasises the traditions and values the society has largely. It is through Saturn that man learns how to shape his being in order to live in the material world he teaches us to break free from our instinctual appendages.
In most astrological texts, Saturn is considered to be the 'greater malefic', indicating sorrow, ruin and devastation to all it touches although this is not always the case. Saturn forces us to face our past illusions and misconceptions in order to give us the liberation we require to live an individual and free existence. The blocks that are set up by Saturn are often due to the fear of giving up and changing ideals, images or material possessions. It is far easier to block the pain than confront it and go through the process. Saturn can be looked upon as the wise old man that informs us of aspects of ourselves that require change and development. By listening to Saturn, we can strengthen ourselves individually or collectively and ultimately we will be led to fulfilment and freedom of spirit. Difficult aspects between Saturn and Pluto in the natal chart (of a person or nation) are intense. The Conjunction, square and opposition of these planets ask us to take a good look at our position at present. It wants us to recognise the foundations upon which we stand and dig out the dark, unproductive aspects of ourselves in order to grow. Aspects between transiting planets do not differ, they ask us to recover, rebuild and regenerate existing structures and foundations. Saturn and Pluto, over the last 100 years have been through several cycles beginning with a conjunction of the two planets, moving on to a square to an opposition until returning to the conjunction approximately 35 years later. The conjunction of two planets interblends the energies of the individual planet together. Power and intensity are the key words of the conjunction. The conjunction is the most powerful aspect in a horoscope as the energies of the planets completely interconnect with each other. The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto brings together the destructive, releasing and powerful force of Pluto with the restricting, consolidating effects of Saturn. It can be an aspect of tremendous frustration and tension.

The urge we have to free ourselves from the limitations and restrictions of Saturn becomes very strong with Pluto included. Saturn-Pluto change is likely to impose restrictions on our freedom of movement or upon our resources. With this much tension it can be difficult, because eventually the frustration can bring about violence and anger. Historically, the Saturn/Pluto conjunction ties in beginning of World War 1. At 2 degrees of Cancer on the 4th of October 1914, both planets aspected Mars by square when the War began. The First world war was a breakdown of the political organisation of the 19th century, empires and sovereignties were overthrown and new nations came to exist, this is typically the effect of Saturn and Pluto in conjunction. On 9th of October 1922 Saturn formed a square to Pluto, although nothing remarkable accompanied this aspect, restructuring is evident with a period of mass inflation and economic recession in Europe leading to the rise of Mussolini.
The cycle continued through the century to eventually form an opposition from February 17th 1931 until December 13th 1931. This opposition between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn and Cancer respectively occurred during the period of the Great depression. Major structural changes and destruction was initiated at this time with Nazi Germany becoming prominent and the rise of Adolf Hitler's dictatorship. All matters pertaining to government and civilisation (Saturn-Capricorn) were under a tremendous amount of strain due to mass unemployment and starvation. On 26th of March 1940 a square between Saturn and Pluto formed. This was after the start of World War II. World War II was considered to be the final battles of what had began in the first war. Again, it was the catalyst for major restructuring of historical precedents. At the same time, the republican government was established in Spain, laying the groundwork for the Spanish Civil War. August 11th of 1947, the cycle began again with Saturn and Pluto forming a conjunction in the sign of Leo. By this time, the war had altered direction and the political players had changed from Europe to the US and the USSR. The Cold War began at this time and the NATO alliance was formed. This time also marks the period of division between India and Pakistan. Saturn squared Pluto from December 27th 1955 to October 7th 1956 coinciding with the Eisenhower period in the US. The cold war was raging but economics were increasing. The war between nations went over to the Middle East in October 1956, the Israelis invaded Egypt, and the French and the British bombed the Suez Canal. The opposition between Saturn and Pluto again formed on April 23rd 1965 to February 20 1966 in the signs of Pisces and Virgo. Pluto conjoining Uranus while it was opposing Saturn made this combination more intense. This three-planet configuration is a sign of revolutionary upheaval. The Vietnam War "escalation" became significant during this time and the US committed large numbers of troops in an atmosphere of Cold War suspicion. Race riots became prevalent with Black power taking the spotlight at this time. Institutions (Saturn) of all sorts suffered, including marriage: divorce rates in the U.S. began to soar. Saturn forms a square with Pluto again on the 28th of May 1974, after this aspect the war between Israel and the Arabs became prominent, leading to the economic crises of the US around the same time. After the square between these two planets occurred in 1974 the opposition followed on the 8th of November 1982 beginning a new cycle of Saturn and Pluto. The conjunction occurred in the sign of Libra. This aspect consisted mainly of economic stagnation before the economic boom of the late 1980s. The war between Iraq and Iran wagered on and the USSR was crumbling with a new financial order emerging. The U.K. went to war with Argentina over the Falklands and the escalation of terrorism began to occur. Suicide Bombers were emerging, with Iran using waves of suicide troops in battle. This conjunction in 1982 marked the beginning of the cycle that we are now experiencing.

The beginning of the cycle in 1982 marked the rise in terrorism and suicide bombers, so it is interesting to see the events of the opposition taking place at present and how they compare to the previous cycles of Pluto and Saturn. Saturn in Gemini and Pluto in Sagittarius have formed an opposition since August 5th 2001 and will continue to make three passes until the final hit on the 26th of May 2002. With the theme of death, war and economic repression prominent previously throughout the last century it is no surprise that again these areas are under scrutiny. Just after the exact opposition in August the world watched as a tragedy unfolded on their TV screens and in front of their very eyes. Thousands of people were killed at 8:53am in New York City when Islamic suicide bombers hijacked several aircraft and ploughed them into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon. Interestingly, Israel was formed under a Saturn/Pluto conjunction. Reeling from this terrible tragedy Americans have vowed to fight terrorism throughout the world and eradicate any threat of this ever happening again. With Pluto in the freedom loving Sagittarius, it is no wonder people will not tolerate tyranny and oppression any longer and feel compelled to break free from the cycle of violence. War is again within our midst with the essential players being Afghanistan and the US. The signs that Saturn and Pluto occupy at present also show us appropriate themes and symbols. Gemini and Sagittarius represent domestic travel, foreign relations, commerce, religion, international treaties, communication, trades and exchanges, all pertinent considering the physical actions of the event. The chart for the moment of the attacks on the WTC in New York shows us in more detail the effects of the planets in relation to Saturn and Pluto, the houses that they fall in give us the area of significance. The 3rd and 9th houses are highlighted in the chart for the moment emphasising the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity. Religion, travel and foreign relations therefore were enhanced here. Mercury is located on the Ascendant in the WTC attack chart and forming a Grand Trine with Saturn and Uranus in Air, this implies the success of the mission on behalf of the terrorists but ultimately it may also be the catalyst for success by America and the world on the War on Terror.

The chart for the Inauguration of America has Sagittarius at 12 degrees. This indicates the personal nature of the incident to America. The attack on New York effectively gave rise to the beginning of an end of an era of terrorism throughout the world, The President of America, George Bush declared a War on Terrorism, a very relevant reference to Pluto and Saturn in aspect. Other fears have risen around the world since the opposition of August, such as the Anthrax scare in America and the manufacturing of chemical warfare in the Middle East and other parts of the world. The opposition of Saturn and Pluto not only emphasises the War factor of previous cycles but it has triggered off economic depression as well. Stock markets were on the decline and there has been a large increase on energy prices. The price of oil is on the rise and with foreign relations in such a rocky position this may increase.
It is obvious to see the correlation of the Saturn Pluto cycle with significant periods in history, there are common themes and patterns that emerge each time these two planets make contact, with war, economic strain and restructuring of society prevalent. We have been given a chance to look back on the last 20 years, since Saturn's conjunction with Pluto in Libra. If the planets at the start of this cycle shape the basic nature of what we are enduring, optimistically we can envisage peace and harmony between the world's Countries and Nations with the restructuring of our ideas of justice.

With the emphasis on Gemini and Sagittarius, it is easy to see what we need to evaluate in our lives. Our religious stances are being tested and tried. Our beliefs are being evaluated and we are being pushed into deep self-assessment. The best way we can assist in allowing the energy flow easier on a personal level is to take a good hard look at where we are at and abolish past habits. We need to evaluate our spiritual value system and make the appropriate changes necessary. The same applies for the collective. By weeding out the bad and getting to the root of the problems we have, we can begin to rebuild and regenerate society into the freedom loving and united place it should be. The effects of Saturn opposing Pluto are likely to remain for a long period of time, with Father time and the slowest moving planet in the universe together we cannot expect sudden sweeping changes. It will be a slow process but a worthy one. We all have the will to choose between the lower and higher expression of these planets and ultimately we can all participate in creating a new world vision.

Interestingly this article was written just after 911 and is now just as relevant as ever. Since this article we have had the first pass of Saturn squaring Pluto on November 15, 2009, and the last pass will be in August 2010. From October 2009 through September 2010 this aspect will be asserting its influence in our lives again. How will it surface? What indications of this aspect have shown themselves? The current economic challenges we face are the shifting of world power to the east and China and India; the powder barrel of “freedom fighters”/”terrorists” all show us the restructuring of our world system. Lets keep are eyes open for any other Saturn/Pluto themes and enjoy the fact that it is a regular and necessary transit that clears our pathways and builds new ones.

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