Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Sun

So, your life has no direction, Lost your Identity?, do you feel like you are not on your intended pathway? Or, need help gaining a sense of purpose? By using astrology you can get on the right track and pursue your dreams with a solid sense of identity and self-worth. Most of us know our Sun Signs but unfortunately do not know much more than the basic stereotyped description of them. Yes, the Leo native is proud and creative, sometimes bossy and the centre of attention and the Gemini individual is witty, intelligent, studious and dare I say two faced! But, how do these things influence the direction of our lives? How does it give us our own identity? The Sun in Astrology represents where we gain a greater sense of our power, purpose and how we distinguish ourselves from others. The Sun is what we seek to become.

Not only does the Sun fall into a sign of the zodiac at our time of birth, it also falls into one of Twelve Houses in the horoscope. A house is just one 30-degree segment of the 360-degree horoscope; giving 12 houses all together. Briefly, the 12 houses represent the following areas of your life: 1st - Who you are and how you appear to others. 2nd - Self-worth and material possessions. 3rd - Study and communications. 4th - Home life and family responsibility. 5th - Creativity, children and speculation. 6th - Employment/Health and service to others. 7th - Relationships and commitment. 8th - Sex, rebirth and other people's money. 9th - Religion and higher level learning. 10th - Career and social status. 11th - Friendships, goals and social interaction. 12th - Hidden matters, subconscious and intuitive.

To be able to determine which house your Sun was in at your Time of Birth you must know roughly what time you were born and then look at the following table. Time of Birth Corresponding House Between 6am and 8am 12th house 8am and 10am 11th 10am and 12pm 10th 12pm and 2pm 9th 2pm and 4pm 8th 4pm and 6pm 7th 6pm and 8pm 6th 8pm and 10pm 5th 10pm and 12am 4th 12am and 2am 3rd 2am and 4am 2nd 4am and 6am 1st Sun in the 1st house: With this position, you are meant to be the centre of attention! Others are attracted to you as long as you meet life with enthusiasm and determination. You require a position in life, which allows you to exercise your power of natural authority and fulfils your desire for recognition. You should express your individuality and personal desires albeit being careful not to become to overbearing. Sun in the 2nd house: You have a great need to develop personal skills, values and resources to achieve a sense of identity and security. You probably feel as though your sense of security comes from acquiring material and monetary possessions. Your life should be met with vitality and strength. You need to define what constitutes security to you, not rely on others to provide your safety and sanctuary for you. Sun in the 3rd house: With the Sun in this house, you have the desire to be heard and recognised for your mental contributions to the world. You gain your sense of power and self-worth from strengthening your intellect and communicating abilities. You feel most alive when you are learning and exchanging ideas with others. Be careful not to allow your environment to reflect your attitude and influences. Sun in the 4th house: Those with this position tend to reflect on life inwardly, you need to evaluate your self-worth through contemplative practice. You have a deep need to express your own unique identity and this is what the foundations of your life are built on. You may feel like you need to separate yourself from your family background in order to establish this sense of distinctiveness.

Sun in the 5th house: If you have the Sun in this position, how lucky you are! Being the natural domain of the Sun this position gives you the desire to engage in activities that make you feel alive. When you feel like you are not living up to your creative standards, you have the tendency to become depressed or ill. Artistic expression is advised with this position. Maintaining hobbies, recreational pursuits and entertainment such as the theatre or art galleries are a great way to improve the richness of your life. Sun in the 6th house: With this position, your sense of identity comes from health status, daily rituals and working conditions. It is important that you develop a good relationship with your body and understand the body is a vehicle. If it is not cared for, you will ultimately suffer. Your self-worth, personal value and power comes from being of service to others, whether via the health environment or just in your everyday life. You must accept boundaries and routines as this will refine your experience of living. Sun in the 7th house: With the Sun in this house you find that your sense of self-power and purpose is found through having a partnership or relationship. By involving yourself in joint activities and raising issues between you, you can clearly define who you are. This does not mean finding a partner to take all of your responsibilities leaving you to be free, it is important that you define who you are on a personal level. Sun in the 8th house: Those of you with the Sun in this position will feel the need to reconnect with something greater than the self, in order to feel like an individual. You seek to expand yourself through some form of union or interchange with others. You may feel your sense of self and individuality from studying the occult or subjects that are taboo to others. Sun in the 9th house: Those of you with this placement should strive to expand your understanding and perspective on life. You feel the need to perceive deeper insight into philosophical pursuits, the whys and hows and perhaps even religious spheres of life. You gain a sense of power and worth from knowing what the "bigger picture" is. Sharing your insights on the philosophies of life will help you to distinguish yourself. Be careful though, not to become so concerned with the overall picture that you lose sight of everyday reality. Sun in the 10th house: If your Sun is in this position, you may feel as though your identity is integrated with career or professional requirements. You want to be recognised as someone who has contributed to your chosen field. You tirelessly work yourself to the ground in order to be "Somebody" and to be admired. You must be careful not to rely too much on your title or position held in the world though because you may feel totally devoid of purpose and defeated if life does not live up to your expectations. Sun in the 11th house: With the Sun in the 11th, you will be able to establish a sense of identity through social, humanitarian or political actions. You should incorporate yourself with a larger unit or group involvement in order to gain a feeling of self-worth and personal power. You must be careful however to make sure you are identifying with a particular group and not just falling into the trap of believing what a group tells you to believe.

You should set yourself feasible goals toward which to aim in life and if possible surround yourself with like-minded individuals. Sun in the 12th house: The 12th house transmits forces, which threaten to dissolve or undermine the boundaries of the ego and the nature of the Sun is to establish these boundaries, so there is a contradiction here. Therefore, with this placement you need to be aware of the differences between conscious and unconscious thoughts. You have a sensitivity about you that can act as a channel between these two extremes so it is important to be open minded and aware of the subconscious drives of your personality. Take time out to reflect on your buried thoughts and feelings. In some way, your personal identity is evolved through understanding issues much larger than yourself, more universal.

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