Sunday, March 14, 2010

Next Exams


This is a 4 week at home exam

May 25th - Jun 22nd 2010

The closing date for applications is: 17th May 2010
(A $10 late fee will apply to applications received after this date)

The fee for the Examination is $140.00
Payment must be made by Cheque or Money Order or by Direct Credit
The APPLICATION FORM can be downloaded from the FAA website -

The Exam System includes:

FAA Exam Board
FAA Diploma of Astrology upgrades
FAA Advanced Diploma of Astrology.

There are Four exams that make up the FAA Diploma of Astrology. Each exam may be attempted in any order and there is no time limit to complete all four exams. It is not necessary to successfully complete one assessment in order to do another. Any person may apply to sit an exam, the only requirement is that the candidate must be a financial member of an affiliated FAA association. More exam information -

1. Interpretation - offered February
2. Advanced Techniques - offered May
3. Calculation - offered August
4. Dynamic - offered October


The FAA Exam Board Silver Medal (Allan Johnson/Doris Greaves award) is awarded to the candidate achieving the highest national aggregate mark in each exam. In December each year, the Board reviews the results all four exams completed by the recipients of the FAA Diploma of Astrology (formerly FAA Practioners Certificate) in the previous 12 months. The person with the highest national aggregate mark attained over all four exams (80% or higher) will receive the Board of Examiners Gold Medal for Excellence.

Exam Papers

All exams are presented in draft form to exam board members for proof reading and comment. Every attempt is made to ensure errors or inconsistencies are removed and that the standard of papers is maintained.

Review System

Candidates will be given 30 days from receiving notice of their results to request a review of their papers. Such requests should be addressed to the coordinator in writing via post, email or fax. The fee for the review of the first question of each paper will be $50. Any further questions will be reviewed at a cost of $40 each to the candidate. The questions to be reassessed will be reviewed by a marker other than the one who originally marked the question. The reviewing marker's results will be final, and no further appeal allowed


Candidates are issued with a candidate number when their application for an exam is processed by the Exam Board Director. All completed exam papers are forwarded to examiners for marking using candidate numbers only so that full anonymity is maintained between candidate and examiner. At no time will the person marking the exam know the identity of the candidate's paper being marked.

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